A Guide to determine a good or a bad seller.
Taobao Seller Rankings
Basically Taobao Seller has this ranking system to determine their shop's reputation.
As you can see from the picture above, they represents how many transaction the seller has successfully handled with a positive comment given to them.
Red Flower = Positive Comment +1 point
Yellow Flower = Neutral Comment Nil
Black Flower = Negative Comment -1 point
(You will be able to view this page when you click on the Seller's Name)
Many people asked me, 'should I look at the crown or the heart for this seller?'
Answer: Be sure that you are looking beside the 'rating as a Seller' (卖家信用), which I drew a box on the picture above.
Look for their ranking and their positive feedback percentage.
Find at least 300 transactions and above with 99% feedback.
That will basically tell you how well is the reputation of that seller.
You can take a quick look of seller's ranking and feedback on the right side the item's page.
You can also check what buyers comment about that particular item.
Sometimes the buyer will give nasty comments about the seller. Even though a Seller has some bad feedback, it doesn't mean that you should never deal with them. You can read about the dispute to figure out why it happened.
If you are making any big purchases, try to make sure that the Seller is on the up-and-up!