Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to search from Taobao?

Here's a list of types of apparels, shoes and material for your reference/guidance when shopping on taobao!
You can copy paste the chinese words and paste onto taobao to find your products.

T-Shirt - T
Tank top - 背心
Blouse - 衬衫
Tube - 裹胸
Bra - 文胸
Leggings - 打底裤
Sweater/Knitwear - 针织衫
Collar tops - 翻领
Jacket - 外套
Dress - 连衣裙 
Romper - 连衣裤
Shorts - 热裤/短裤
Parka - 风衣
Skirts - 半身裙

Denim - 牛仔

Lace - 蕾丝

Suede - 磨砂/绒面

Leather - 皮

Faux Leather/PU - 仿皮/人造革

Canvas - 帆布

Chiffon - 雪纺

Knit - 针织

Cotton - 棉

Velvet - 丝绒

High heels - 高跟鞋
Pumps - 单鞋
Sandals - 凉鞋
Flats - 平底鞋
Canvas shoe - 帆布鞋
High platform sneakers - 高帮鞋
Oxfords - 牛津鞋
Boots - 靴子
Platforms - 松糕鞋/防水台
Wedges - 坡跟
Peep Toes - 鱼嘴鞋

Happy shopping!